Incremental Scanner Example

The sample Attivio project contains the com.sample.module.SampleIncrementalDataSourceScanner sample scanner. As in the com.sample.module.SampleDataSourceScanner sample scanner, the scanner can be tested standalone from the SampleIncrementalDataSourceScannerTest Junit test and from the connectors admin page.

The incremental sample scanner demonstrates the following SDK capabilities.



Feeding only new and modified documents:

Observe the shouldFeedThisDoc method IngestionHistoryApi calls.

Deleting obsolete documents

Observe the deleteObsoleteDocuments method.

Securing the documents

Observe the createACL method.

Creating document meta data in addition to content

Observe the addMetadata method.

Storing content in the content store

Observe the calling to the DocumentPublisher.put method.

Committing documents in the index explicitly by the scanner

Observe the IndexCommitter.commit call.

Using annotations to create menus

Observe the @ConfigurationOptionInfo.Group annotations.

Using annotations to display and describe the scanner

Observe the @ConfigurationOptionInfo annotation.

Using annotations to display and describe each option

Observe the @ConfigurationOption annotation with the displayName, description and formEntryClass arguments.

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